2023-06-27 10:15:47







FRSW117可以实现一周一次的治疗效果,极大改善了患者的生活状况;在所有受试者中,未检测到八因子抑制物的存在。临床Ⅰ期研究数据显示,不同剂量的两组受试者(25 IU/kg和50 IU/kg)体内维持在1%八因子活性以上的时间与现有的商业化产品(ADVATE®)相比,分别延长了2.59倍和2.49倍。同时,两组受试者体内八因子的半衰期分别为ADVATE®产品的2.129倍和2.232倍。


A Phase 1 Study to Evaluate the PK, Safety and Tolerability of FRSW117 With Extended Half-Life in Patients With Severe Hemophilia A

NCT number: NCT04864743

Abstract ID: 1443652

OC 24 - Hemophilia Clinical – Factor Levels and Pharmacokinetics

Sunday, June 25, 2023,14:45 – 16:00, Eastern Time

Background: Factor VIII (FVIII) replacement therapy of severe hemophilia A (HA) necessitates multiple doses of FVIII products weekly to maintain a > 1% FVIII trough activity due to their short half-life. FRSW117 is a PEGylated FVIII Fc fusion protein engineered to extend its half-life so as to maintain a sufficient FVIII level and improve treatment outcomes.

Aims: To evaluate the pharmacokinetics, safety/tolerability, and immunogenicity of FRSW117 in patients with severe HA.

Methods: In this first-in-human, open label, single dose, self-controlled study, 13 previously treated males aged 12 (inclusive) to 65 years with severe HA (FVIII < 1%) were enrolled to receive ADVATE® followed by FRSW117, both at 25 IU/kg, 4 days apart (N=6, Group S1); or both drugs at 50 IU/kg, 6 days apart (N=7, Group S2), followed by a 4-week follow-up after FRSW117 injection. All patients provided written informed consents. The protocol was approved by each site’s IEC/IRB.

Results: The maximum concentration (Cmax) and area under the curve (AUC0-t) of FⅧ activity increased in a dose-dependent manner (Figure 1). The geometric mean elimination half-life of FRSW117 exceeded twice that of ADVATE® (30.928 hours vs. 13.668 hours in S1; 30.801 hours vs. 14.007 hours in S2) (Table 1). The mean FVIII level was > 5% for 101.527 hours in S1 and 138.145 hours in S2. Both groups maintained an FVIII activity of > 1% for longer than 168 hours (7 days), 176.769 hours for S1 and 206.253 hours for S2. No FⅧ inhibitors were detected and no hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis were reported. No serious adverse events or ≥ Grade 3 adverse events were reported. No spontaneous bleeding requiring intervention was reported within 9 days after FRSW117 treatment. 

Conclusions: FRSW117’s pharmacokinetic characteristics supported a potential weekly treatment interval. It also displayed favorable safety/tolerability and immunogenicity profiles.

